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Elk Charitable Giving and Programs
The Elks are community, involved in a number of charitable services to make our communities stronger. The Roseville Elks Lodge is part of the Elk community and the Roseville-Antelope community at large. We provide scholarships, drug education, and veteran services. We help fund therapeutic services for physically-challenged children in California and Hawaii at no cost to them, as well as fund grants so that unmet needs across the country, including this community, can be addressed.
Most Valuable Student Scholarships
Eagle Scout Awards
Gold Awards
Legacy Awards
Emergency Education Fund Grants
Drug Education
Check out the Elks Drug Awareness Resource Center.
Youth Activities
Hoop Shoot
Soccer Shoot
Youth Veterans Volunteers
Antlers - the Junior Elks Program
Drug Awareness Essay Contest
Americanism Essay Contest
The Dictionary Program
State Major Project
Assist in funding over 32 therapists and vision screeners in California and Hawaii to test and assist disabled children, at no cost to them or their families.
Elks National Foundation
Assist in providing Seed Money across the Country for worthwhile projects in keeping with the mission of the Elks, including helping veterans.


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