Brief History of Roseville Elks Lodge #2248
This year we celebrate our Lodge's 60th Birthday (March 2022). Perhaps you would be interested in knowing a brief history of the fraternal organization known as Roseville Lodge #2248:
In 1961, Floyd Knudsen and others began searching for other Elks who would be willing to leave their then-current Lodges and become members of a new Lodge in Roseville. On December 8, 1961, Elks Floyd Knudsen, Ford Marshal, Guido (Joe) Gianani and 132 others asked for and were granted permission from Grand Lodge (the "Mothership") to form the new Lodge, to be known as Roseville Lodge #2248.
Our Charter was granted and the ceremony founding the Lodge was held on February 4, 1962 in Johnson Hall at the Placer County Fairgrounds. Following the ceremony, the Installation of Officers was held. Floyd Knudsen was initiated as the Charter Exalted Ruler for 1961/1962.
The early meetings were held at Carpenter Hall on Melody Lane. In October 1965, the Lodge purchased 10 acres at the corner of Baseline Road and Brady Lane for $25,000. Later negotiations resulted in a much lesser payoff with the deed holder.
In 1968, the purchase price was fully paid, and the Lodge the property free and clear. In 1969, the members began selling bonds for $25 each as a way of raising funds for a Lodge building.
At a regular Lodge meeting on December 18, 1970, the Lodge voted to buy the new building shell for $46,000. The vote was 59 in favor and 8 against. On February 20, 1971, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for the new Lodge, after which the 80’ X 100’ building shell was constructed by the Stran-Steel Dealer in Sacramento. It consisted of a cement floor, four walls and a roof. There were no interior walls, ceiling, electrical or plumbing. From that point on almost all of the work was done by volunteers.
The first Meeting was held in the new Lodge in October, 1971. The dedication ceremony was held on March 19, 1972. On July 18, 1974 grading, paving, landscaping, lighting and road access projects were begun. It was not until 1997 that the parking lot was actually asphalted. That same year the Lodge signed a contract with Pacific Bell for a cell tower in the Northeast corner of the property.
Thank you Otto Mabry for preserving our Lodges history so that we may pass it on to others.